SenseItAll is a platform designed to rapidly develop a minimally viable product (MVP) in sensing and assays, particularly focusing on electrochemical detection technology. It serves as an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) sensor platform, measuring analytes in samples. The platform offers an OEM solution for those working on electrochemical-based systems and provides a compact micro-spectrometer called the Cube for developers of tests and assays in commercial applications where spectroscopy is the preferred detection method. SenseItAll aims to help clients, customers, and partners efficiently achieve a product or MVP, addressing the challenge of technology availability in electrochemical/spectrochemical detection. It offers a comprehensive user experience and is the sole technology for developers in this field with a built-in business case, thanks to the potential for multiple revenue streams. Additionally, SenseItAll is available as an OEM solution for collaborators, offering access to a high-quality hardware platform for various applications, including medical diagnostics, veterinary tests, and point-of-care testing (POCT).

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